Keeping your Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Neat and Beautiful

From the desk of Sharda Baker

Good day and welcome everyone!

This is Sharda with another Adult Cavalier King Charles Spaniel newsletter.

Here we go!


Since the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is shown with the coat natural, grooming the dog for show is relatively easy compared to some of the other breeds.

If you have a companion dog, the grooming steps are the same, and should be completed on a regular basis to keep the coat in top shape.


The hair should be brushed with a good quality stiff bristle brush.


Picture taken from


Always brush the direction of hair growth that is slightly back and down.

For the lower regions, use the opposite hand to push the upper hair back, and then gradually allow section by section to fall, brushing into place.

The feathers on the ears and the legs are prone to matting and knotting, so a grooming comb can be used.

Always gently detangle as much as possible with the fingers before using the comb or brush. A good pet hair detangler in a misting bottle can help to remove stubborn mats. The more frequently the dog is groomed, the less concern there will be with tangles.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel love the attention of being brushed, and many learn to bring their comb or brush over to their owner for their routine grooming.

Use grooming as a time to closely examine the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and check for any abrasions, sores or tender areas either on the skin. Note any hot spots on the skin that can signify that there are allergic problems.

In addition, watch for any unusual hair loss or skin conditions as these can often easily be corrected if noted sooner rather than later.


No matter how clean and neat your pooch is, at some point in time they are going to need a bath. Starting your puppy off understanding what a bath is will help deal with the issue when the dog gets older.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniels can be bathed indoors in a sink or bathtub, but larger breeds may need specialized equipment or an outdoor bath.

Some dogs will take to water and bathing more than others. Check with your breeder to find out if your Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is a water loving dog or not.

There are some commercially available “dry bath” powders that work well for quick deodorizing and freshening of the dog’s coat. Care needs to be taken when using these powders to avoid contact with the eyes, mouth and ears.

In order to bath your Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, follow these few simple steps.

  • Clean all foreign matter out of the dog’s coat as much as possible. With a longhaired breed this may take a bit of time. Small twigs or other objects in the coat can cause tangling in the bath, so removing them ahead of time will save effort in the long run.
  • Fill a sink, bathtub or other water container with luke-warm water and place the dog in the water. The water should not be deeper than the top of the animal’s legs or the bottom of its belly.

  • Use your hands and arms to support the dog until it is comfortable and is not struggling. It is important to avoid any falls or slips at this time. Keep one hand gently placed on the back of the dog’s neck, or under the stomach for small breeds such as the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. Keep praising and talking to the dog in a reassuring manner. Praise the dog for standing still.
  • If you have a shower nozzle and hose, this is an ideal way to wet the dog down and rinse off the shampoo. Make sure that the water is warm to the touch, but not hot or cold before applying the water to the dog. Use only the gentlest setting if there is more than one way to adjust the water output from the nozzle.
  • Begin slowly pouring water from a plastic pitcher or other plastic container onto the back of the dog, starting at the tail and moving towards the neck. It is important to avoid using glass objects in case of breakage. If the dog becomes nervous and tries to move, stop and calm the animal before proceeding. Do not pour water over the dog’s head, as this is very frightening to the animal.
  • When the dog is wet from the tail to the neck, apply a good quality pet shampoo and lather. Again, keep one hand as a support for the dog and lather with the other. For larger breeds of dog it is usually easier to have two people to complete this task.
  • After the dog is completely shampooed, rinse thoroughly with warm water. Work from the top of the dog to the bottom to make sure all shampoo is removed.
  • You can complete the bath with a good skin conditioner/hair conditioner for dogs. Rinse thoroughly.

After the bath Cavalier King Charles Spaniels will want to shake, which, depending on the dog’s enthusiasm, can be very messy. Immediately after the rinse remove the dog from the water and dry with fluffy towels.

Keeping your hand firmly on the back of the neck will prevent them from shaking, or will minimize the amount of shaking until you can dry them with the towel.

I hope that you learned a lot from today’s Cavalier King Charles Spaniel newsletter

All the best and take care
